Many people hope that they will never have to go to court again after a divorce proceeding is completed. After all, everyone always abides by the terms of the Court’s order, right? Unfortunately not.
It is all too common for a person to need to bring an enforcement action concerning,
- non-payment of spousal maintenance
- non-payment of child support
- non-payment of medical insurance
- distribution of community assets
- violations of the possession schedule
Hammerle Finley Law Firm has a team of legal professionals who are skilled and experienced in assisting their clients when an unruly former spouse refuses to follow the Court’s order. If your former spouse is refusing to pay child support, turn over assets awarded in the divorce or provide access to the child(ren) in accordance with the Court’s orders, we can help.
Hammerle Finley Law Firm has represented clients for more than 35 years inside and outside the courtroom. We provide effective, strategic, and cost-effective legal counsel so that our clients can focus on what matters most to them.
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