As you and your future spouse plan a life together, you may be considering having a discussion about a prenuptial agreement. As skilled prenuptial agreement lawyers, we understand that this could be a difficult conversation because you will have to discuss the possible ending of your marriage. However, we also believe it is an important discussion that could prevent many future problems.

Since 1984, Hammerle Finley Law Firm has helped clients prepare prenuptial agreements. We offer highly skilled and attentive help to people who are marrying for the first time, as well as those who are embarking on a second or subsequent marriage.

Our expertise includes:

  • Prenuptial agreements: agreements established prior to marriage
  • Postnuptial agreements: agreements established during marriage
  • Litigation involving prenuptial and postnuptial agreements: arising throughout divorce proceedings
Cohabitation agreements

Cohabitation is considered a business agreement in Texas.  It is for couples who do not wish to marry, or who cannot legally marry in the State of Texas.  Under a cohabitation agreement, a couple may determine joint and separate ownership of assets and debts.  A cohabitation agreement should be combined with estate planning documents, such as Powers of Attorney and Wills.

Hammerle Finley Law Firm has represented clients for more than 35 years inside and outside the courtroom. We provide effective, strategic, and cost-effective legal counsel so that our clients can focus on what matters most to them.

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